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 Clinical Opportunity Booking System

4P- Ageing Health-SWAH


Monday - 10.00am - 1.00pm - Care of the Elderly Clinic - Dr Abdalla - Ambulatory Day Centre, Level 0 (2 students)

Tuesday – 2.00pm - 3.30pm  - Care of the Elderly Clinic - Dr Gallen/Dr Keegan/Dr Abdalla/ Dr Elamin- Ward 7, SWAH (2 students)

Tuesday – 2.30pm - 4.00pm  - Stroke Clinic - Dr Gallen/Dr Keegan/Dr Abdalla/ Dr Elamin- Ward 5, SWAH (2 students)

Wednesday-9.00am – 1.00pm  TIA – Dr Elamin - Ambulatory Day Centre, Level 0  (2 students)

Wednesday-2.00pm – 4.30pm  Care of the Elderly Clinic – Dr Keegan - Ambulatory Day Centre, Level 0  (2 students)

Thursday - 10.00am – 1.00pm - Care of the Elderly Clinic - Dr Gallen Ambulatory Day Centre, Level 0  (2 students)

Friday 10.30am - 12.30pm - Care of the Elderly Clinic - Dr Keegan - Ambulatory Day Centre, Level 0 (2 students)


4P-Child Health-Paediatrics-OMAGH HOSPITAL


Monday - 9.20am - 12.30pm -  Asthma Clinic - Dr Nethercott - OPD - 2 students

Monday - 9.30am - 12.30pm -  Paediatric Community Clinic - Dr Mahmood- OPD - 2 students

Wednesday - 10.00am – 12.30pm – Paediatric Continence Clinic – Annabelle McBurnie, OPD – 2 students

Wednesday - 2.00pm – 4.30pm – Paediatric Continence Clinic – Annabelle McBurnie, OPD – 2 students



4P-Child Health-Paediatrics-SWAH


Monday-9.25am - 12.30pm - Paediatric Allergy Clinic- Dr Barsoum - Children’s Centre, level 0, SWAH (2 students)

Monday-9.30am – 12.30 pm – Paediatric Community Clinic – Dr Kutty - Children’s Centre, level 0, SWAH (2 students)

Monday–1.30pm-4.30pm - Paediatric Clinic- Dr Nethercott - Children’s Centre, level 0, SWAH (2 students)

Tuesday–9.25am-12.30pm - Paediatric Clinic- Dr Nethercott - Children’s Centre, level 0, SWAH (2 students)

Tuesday- 9.30am-12.30pm - Paediatric Community Clinic- Dr Kutty - Childrens Centre, Level 0, SWAH (2 students)

Tuesday- 10am-12.30pm Paediatric Continence Clinic- Annabelle McBurnie, Continence Nurse- Childrens Centre, Level 0 SWAH (2 students)

Tuesday –1.30pm-4.30pm - Paediatric Clinic- Dr Nethercott - Children’s Centre, level 0, SWAH (2 students)

Tuesday- 2.00pm-5.00pm Paediatric Continence Clinic- Annabelle McBurnie, Continence Nurse- Childrens Centre, Level 0 SWAH (2 students)

Thursday-9.30am-12.30pm -Paediatric Community Clinic- Dr Dougan- Childrens Centre, Level 0, SWAH (2 students)

Friday- 9.30am-9.30pm- Paediatric Clinic - Dr Thompson- Childrens Centre, Level 0 SWAH (2 students)


4P-OSCE Practice-SWAH


Thursday - 2.00pm - ENT Teaching - Ted Liapman, Paeds SIM Room 3



UG-GP Opportunities-SWAH


